It started okay. I crept into the kitchen to have my morning cereal. To my dismay, the milk was sour. Hmm, I had just bought it. Upon more investigation, I figured out that it wasn't the milk so much as the whole refrigerator had stopped working. I knew we had to get it fixed asap or throw everything away. Usually I would simply call the landlords and they would take care of it. Not today. They were in Europe (lucky them) and not home to deal with a broken refrigerator. I started calling repair shops (none were open). One of their answering machines even hung up on me. I then realized I was late for work - note here that as a professional organizer, it's a cardinal rule to never be late (we're supposed to be organized, right!). Halfway through the project I got a return call from someone that could come out today to fix the fridge! Hallelejah! The only catch - they give a four hour block of time - and I was midway through a project. I ended up re-scheduling the second half of the project to go home and do the waiting game. I arrive home to a locked door, realized I forgot my keys in my rush to leave in the morning, and am officially locked out. I'll stop here, but you get the point.
Now I'm sharing my chaos with you not to complain (okay, to complain a little) but more to serve as a reminder that controlling our outer environment is not possible. It's our inner selves that allow us to navigate our outer lives with grace. So as much as we all try to control our outer lives, take some time to reflect on your inner being. Practice on manifesting grace in all the obstacles that life throws at you. This practice will be the hardest and most rewarding gift you can give to yourself. So when the refrigerator kaputs or any number of uncontrollable things, remember to breathe, ask for help, and keep moving forward.
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