1. YOU: Because there's no escaping yourself. You can try. A glass or two of a fine Pinot might do the trick for a short time but once the haze wears off, there you are again. The same you. Not the you comprised of your ceaseless thoughts and rollercoaster of emotions. The You (capital Y) that resides beyond these constraints. The You underneath the jumble of thoughts and emotions that reflects the perfect person you are. Learn to love her (because there's no other choice!).
2. That Dr. Phil Friend: The one that tells you the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, 100% of the time. Sure they piss you off sometimes because the Truth Pill is not sugar-coated. But this person will help you see beyond the rose-tinted glasses and give you that kick in the butt to make real changes in your life.
3. Cheerleader: One, you are going to need someone to balance out your Dr.-Phil friend. Two, an encouraging word and reminder of just how fabulous you are is necessary from time to time.
4. BFF: Yes, I used that cheesy descriptor (but I'm from Wisconsin so a bit of "cheesiness" is to be expected from time to time). By "best friend forever" I'm referring to having someone in your life that has known you, well, forever (or at least as far back as memory goes - in my case, it's age 4). They've witnessed the bed-wetting incident, the horrific perm, the first kiss, and you've certainly had at least one blow-out fight. This person serves as the constant reminder that no matter what happens in life, there is always someone there for you.
5. Soulmates: This word has come to take on such a weighty, romanticized meaning. For me, I take out the romance and add a dash of realism. I believe that at different times in our lives we come across people that will reflect back to us an image of our own souls. These moments may be fleeting so don't let them pass you by. It's at these times of reflection that we are given the gift to witness the greatness of our own humanity.
And if I can leave you with one final tip I try to live by, it's this - after you are with someone, do you feel better or worse about yourself? If the answer is better, they should be someone you consider keeping around. So this week, work on organizing yourself around people that love you for the perfect person you are!