Friday, July 24, 2009


In honor of the mantra of the day - T.G.I.F. (and for those few of you out there that live under a rock, this catchy little acronym means Thank God It's Friday!) - I want to share with you a simple organizing strategy I use myself. For me, this acronym has a double meaning. Every Friday I use these letters to help me go through my in-box (you know, it's that dreaded pile - or piles! - that you haven't processed). It's simple, so go grab your stack and go! Here's what you do:
Toss: Anything outdated or irrelevant must go! Toss them (by toss, I mean recycle of course!).
Give: You’ll come across items that should be delegated to others – so give them away!
Immediate Attention: This is the pile that can make your stomach turn. You’re sure to unearth items that should have been done yesterday. After you’ve completed the simple sort, address these items ASAP.
File: Create a stack for all relevant information that needs to be filed. And if you have time, file them away.

Now go enjoy the weekend!

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